6 Ways Centralizing with Denticon Helps DSO Executives

As an executive at a dental service organization (DSO), you likely have goals to: 1) provide comprehensive and effective support for each dental practice so they can focus on patient care, and 2) work towards growing the DSO strategically. To do both, you need the right tools to help your dental practices succeed in providing excellent patient care and the right tools to help you manage the business and operations of the DSO. That’s why we built Denticon Practice Management Solution as an all-in-one solution to help your DSO scale and grow. With Denticon, you not only get robust, enterprise-level reporting and analytics, you also benefit from a single patient record and centralized support for functions such as IT, support, billing, insurance, and scheduling.   

Harnessing the Power of Centralization   

Centralization through a unified practice management solution can provide a few different benefits for DSOs. Not only does it help bring consistency across all practices within the DSO, but it also increases efficiencies by enabling you to centralize non-clinical functions. Let’s look at six ways centralization benefits DSOs and dental practices.   

1) Accessible and reliable data  

First, centralizing your data means having easier access to accurate and reliable data across all offices. Unlike third-party tools, with Denticon, you have one source of truth for all data across the entire organization. There are no errors or delays caused by data synchronization issues, and all data is available to you accurately and in real-time. If patients are referred to providers within your DSO, each location has access to a single patient record.   

2) Empowers centralization of non-clinical functions  

Second, centralizing certain non-clinical functions can increase efficiency at the DSO level and each practice location so they can focus on clinical care. This is truly one of the central values a DSO brings to dental practices. So, it makes sense to ensure that the practice management solution used at all locations empowers the centralization of non-clinical functions, including billing, scheduling, insurance, and patient communications.   

With Denticon, you can easily centralize these functions to reduce operating expenses and boost efficiencies. By centralizing non-clinical functions, you also free up time for team members at each practice to focus more on patient care, helping improve the patient experience.   

3) Streamlining workflows  

Third, by having all offices on the same practice management solutions, you streamline workflows so each office is operating consistently and efficiently. Not only is it important from an efficiency standpoint to have consistent workflows across locations, but it also helps you deliver a predictable and seamless patient experience. From easy cloud-enabled access to images, to accessing patient files, Denticon lets you get the data faster. Completing tasks within Denticon means fewer clicks every hour, every day, across all locations. It’s a better experience for your teams at each location and substantial time savings for your entire DSO. And from a new employee training standpoint, unifying your DSO under one solution means streamlined training through a single vendor.  

Denticon offers features that help your team streamline appointments with our new interactive checklist SmartAssist. With its native imaging software, Apteryx XVWeb, DSOs can streamline each practice’s imaging capture and diagnoses workflow.   

4) All-in-one time and cost savings   

Another significant benefit of centralizing with Denticon is the time and cost savings of using a single solution. DSO executives often don’t realize just how much money is being spent on various subscriptions. What might have seemed like relatively inexpensive subscriptions can really add up when compared to Denticon’s all-in-one solution. Consider how much you spend on online scheduling platforms, patient communications tools, eclaims, cloud-back up service, and more. To discover how much you could save, try our interactive calculator to see how much you spend on subscriptions.   

And, not only from a cost perspective, but multiple vendors also mean dealing with multiple support teams when tools don’t sync properly. With Denticon, you receive support from our one experienced support team when issues arise. As an added bonus, most of our support team used to work at dental practices, so they have intimate knowledge of the needs of dental practices.   

5) Reducing IT burden   

Denticon also helps you significantly reduce the burden on your IT team by bringing the entire DSO under one unified solution. By bringing consistency across all locations, you drastically reduce strain on your IT team because they no longer need to provide support for multiple solutions that don’t work well together. Denticon also helps you reduce your sole reliance on servers, especially with its integrated imaging solution, XVWeb, which is additional cost savings for your IT spending. One DSO client saved an estimated $1.7 million across locations by switching to XVWeb’s cloud-enabled imaging software.   

6) Real-time enterprise reporting and dashboards 

With over 100 out-of-the-box reports, Denticon can help you track virtually any aspect of your business at the DSO level or each practice location. Without layering third-party reporting, you can pull automated reports within Denticon to get regular updates on important KPIs, including production and collections across locations, by the provider, or by specialty. Denticon also provides morning huddle dashboards which give you a snapshot view of how each location, provider, and specialty are tracking towards goals, appointments scheduled, and opportunities.  

Seasoned implementation, training, support, and development team

In addition to empowering dental practices through centralization, Denticon is also backed by an expert team. Having worked with many of the largest DSOs and numerous emerging DSOs, our implementation, training, support, and development team intimately understands the needs of DSOs through your entire journey as our client. That means from conversion and implementation to training your staff, we’re prepared to help your DSO get up and running with Denticon as quickly as possible. And since 60% of our feature releases are driven by client requests, you also get the benefit of enjoying features that other top DSOs are also requesting. Through your entire client journey, we are uniquely qualified to help make managing your DSO easier.

Since 2003, we’ve been committed to delivering cloud-enabled solutions to empower dental practices. It’s no coincidence that the top DSOs in the country choose to run their practices on our solutions. With Denticon by Planet DDS, you get the most experienced team to implement Denticon and support your DSO. Learn how Denticon can help your DSO with improved workflows, trimmed operating costs, and centralized functions to support dental practices and teams. Contact us for a free demo today. 

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