New Feature: Denticon Patient Engagement

Consistent patient engagement is becoming an increasingly popular demand in healthcare. Seventy percent of patients claim that they are more likely to choose providers that offer reminders for follow-up care through email or text. When dental organizations fail to meet consumer expectations, many patients will search for other providers that do.  

An innovative patient engagement system is essential for dental enterprises to meet patient expectations and maintain a healthy patient database. Dental organizations that don’t have a patient engagement system in place cannot easily target communications to specific audiences across multiple locations and miss out on a significant amount of production opportunities.  

Denticon Patient Engagement is a robust patient engagement and communication platform built right within Denticon Practice Management Software. It allows dental organizations to connect with patients anytime, anywhere while also saving your employees time, boosting patient satisfaction, and increasing retention.  

This blog will cover the top five benefits of Patient Engagement for dental organizations.  

1. Save Time and Consolidate Your Technology Stack

Time is valuable, and when you save time, you save money. Cutting down even just an hour or two of daily administrative work can really add up over time. Effortless patient engagement tools allow staff members to complete more tasks in a day and help avoid the need for overtime working hours.  

Denticon Patient Engagement saves time with event-triggered, automatic patient communications. Whether you want to make sure all your patients receive a celebratory text on their birthday or all new patients are sent an informative registration message before their first appointment, pre-scheduled, personalized messages instantly deliver valuable content without having to lift a finger.  

DSOs with separate practice management and patient communications systems often have to devote extra resources to managing and supporting multiple applications. Patient Engagement eliminates the need for third-party software, giving Denticon Practice Management customers the luxury of consolidating their tech stack. Say goodbye to data sync errors and coordinate all your patient communications needs right within Denticon. 

2. Keep Patients Happy and Your Schedule Full 

Patient no-shows are an all too familiar struggle of dental offices. Surprise no-shows can cost 14% of a practice’s anticipated daily revenue. Not only does a missed appointment negatively impact profits but also the patient’s oral health. Automatic appointment reminders significantly reduce appointment no-shows. One study found that no-show rates were 38% lower when patients receive an appointment reminder text.  

Denticon Patient Engagement makes it simple to keep your patients informed and never miss sending an appointment again with easy-to-use, automated appointment reminders, and marketing campaigns. This valuable feature helps dental enterprises reduce no-shows, boost treatment acceptance, and overall increase production with close to zero effort from staff members.  

Additionally, Denticon Patient Engagement features automated recall campaigns linked directly to patient profiles, helping them to stay on top of their routine dental care. Furthermore, you can send marketing communications based on recommended treatment plans, aiding your treatment acceptance rates across locations.  

Staying connected with patients is a critical factor in retaining a steady patient base. Disengaged patients are 3x as likely to have unmet medical needs and are twice as likely to put off care. Many patients don’t keep up on their dental care because it genuinely slips their minds. Without a reminder to get back in the dental chair, some patients can go years without a routine dental visit.

3. Communicate with Patients Across Multiple Locations 

Dental organizations can have offices spread across cities, regions, and even multiple states. Customizable communications are essential to a DSO to ensure patients receive information that is both relevant and valuable to them. If there is a snowstorm that causes you to close one or more of your offices for the day, you want to be able to quickly message patients with affected appointments. 

Denticon Patient Engagement gives dental organizations the bandwidth to deliver marketing campaigns across multiple locations and set up appointment reminder templates. You have the option to have an offsite team handle communications across the entire organization, reducing the need for individual locations to have to send out automated communications. Or, if you need to message a narrower segment of your patients, you can choose to send a message just to one location, select offices, or even based on patient segment. This feature makes it close to effortless to engage with your patients between appointments and helps them stay on top of their oral health.  

4. Easily Customize Communications 

Patients value effective communication, and if they are not getting it from your practice, they may start shopping around for a new dental provider. With the majority of patients preferring email or text reminders as well as the ability to schedule their appointments online, it’s crucial that dental practices provide these conveniences. Having the ability to send out customizable communications gives dental organizations a leg up on their competitors.  

Denticon Patient Engagement has easy-to-use, customizable patient communication templates allowing practices to easily personalize, brand, and schedule outgoing messages. You can also customize send lists based on certain factors, such as appointments for tomorrow, appointments with a particular provider, last seen date, age, and more.  

Additionally, customizable one-time announcements & messages allow your DSO to send out emergency notifications, office closures, and limited-time offers to relevant patients. Patient Engagement also gives you the freedom to import files from professional design programs.  

5. Discover Key Insights on Campaign Performance 

Sending out patient communications is only half the battle of successful patient engagement strategies. You want to continue running campaigns that produce desirable results, but you don’t want to keep pouring effort into a campaign that is not effective. Key data insights and campaign performance indicators conveniently give you inside knowledge on if your efforts are producing desired results.  

Patient Engagement provides access to detailed campaign reports where you can analyze the success of your patient communications, including details like when messages were sent, clicked on, and opened. This feature instantly provides quick and valuable insights into which engagement strategies work and which ones may need some reevaluation. 

Connect With Patients Anytime, Anywhere 

Patient communications are not something you should push to the wayside. Consistent communication efforts will positively impact your profits, time management, and patient experience. Denticon Patient Engagement takes care of the complicated logistics and makes patient communication tools easy to use and customize for any dental organization.  

Connect with your patients anytime, anywhere. With Denticon Patient Engagement, built right within Denticon Practice Management, your staff will save time, boost patient satisfaction, and increase retention.  

Schedule a demo to learn more about the various ways Denticon Patient Engagement can benefit your dental organization! 

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